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I've bought this on both Switch and Steam, so I'm delighted to see this game in the Racial Equality Bundle! It's gorgeous, emotional, and has very well-designed mechanics. It is, however, slow. Which is the point. As an old woman, you can't very well sprint everywhere all the day, right? I enjoyed slowing down and calmly considering each new letter I got from my grandkids.....which hit harder in this current political climate then it did when I first bought the game a while ago.

If you have the time, I strongly, strongly reccomend this game. It's worth the full price.


God, that was a beautiful and utterly devastating game.

That creep toward the ending was just... flawless.


Man, i never know what these games mean but I liked it. It's kind of the perfect game for quarantine


You can't go home again, even if you never leave it.


there's a quote from a book named horseradish that has exactly this message but i just can't find it to put it here. but that was all i needed to know i should play this game. thanks.




I have the same problem for just about any direct download. If you use the app and download + launch it from there it should work fine!


Thank you :)


All i can really say is thank you. this game reminds me of my own great aunt in UA and idk it just hit close with me. this game is beautiful. thank you.

I wish I could erase memory of this game so I could experience it again

The Stillness of the Wind shows that video games can be so much more than fun. (If your bucket gets stuck in the fence, reset item positions)


(1 edit) (+4)


I've been playing this game and I made a big mistake so I want to start over (or at least restart from the beginning of the day before). How can I do that?


I downloaded this from the Racial Justice and Equality bundle, but the PC version is all pixelated on my Windows 10. I'm so sad I can't play it 😢

Deleted 255 days ago

Hey I found a solution - I went into my computer's display settings and decreased my screen from 200% to 100%, and the resolution down to 1920x1080. I was so focused on the game being 32 bit, and not 64, and didn't realize it was just a screen resolution issue.


I played this on Game Pass some time ago, but I just wanted to leave a comment saying how phenomenal it is. Absolutely play this game. 


My heart is broken.

I want to cry.

Please play it.

And find out why.

Thank you so much dev <3

Deleted 3 years ago



A very beautiful and peaceful game. As someone who keeps searching for no-combat games, this is a gem.


Boring and unfulfilling. I like walking sims / slower games, but this game's gameplay has no impact on anything and its dragged out to 3 hours when it could be 30 minutes. It's free on PC Game Pass - don't pay for this. But really, don't PLAY this. If you like slow, there's PLENTY of better slow.

Also, "Memory of God"? Really? You must think your sh*t don't stink.


you've been downvoted to hell, but I agree with you. I wish I'd read your comment before playing



A really beautiful game thank you! I've been closely following your steam page to get an idea on how well it was selling ... very happy to see such games succeed. Good luck for the future!


Des traces d’EHPAD sur le sable

Quand j’étais gamin, j’allais acheter des œufs chez “Milie”, la voisine. A 75 ans bien tassés, elle fauchait toujours son foin, qu’elle montait au grenier à la fourche, sur une échelle en bois. Elle était veuve depuis bien avant la retraite, sans enfants. Le sol de sa maison était en terre battue. Je me souviens de ses mains, quand j'y posais la pièce de 10 francs. A 8 ans, je savais déjà que jamais je n’aurais sa poigne. Quand elle ne s’est plus sentie capable de s'occuper des lapins, des poules et du potager, elle a déménagé à deux kilomètres, dans une maison avec du carrelage. Quelques années après, la maison de retraite a suivi. Elle est repassée par le village pour son enterrement, et est repartie en emportant un bout de la campagne avec elle.

The Stillness of the Wind est la suite de Where the Goats Are, ou plutôt, selon son créateur Coyan Cardenas, sa version complète. On incarne Talma, une vieille femme seule en milieu rural, et on s’occupe des chèvres et du potager. Le facteur, un ami d’enfance, sera votre seul contact humain direct. Au fil des lettres reçues, on prend conscience de qui est notre héroïne. L’exode rural a dilué sa fratrie. Pour des emplois prestigieux, pour les études...Tous ont quitté le village. Elle suit ses frères, sœurs, enfants et petits-enfants de manière épistolaire. Traire les chèvres, faire du fromage, aller au puits, semer des graines...le jeu est une routine dont l’arrivée du courrier constitue le temps fort.

Alors qu’on se croyait au départ dans un coin de désert maghrébin, la prose de nos correspondants nous fait entrevoir un monde semi-fantastique : le vocabulaire mystique, la mention de colonies sur la lune et la poésie dans chaque nom d'objet. Le lecteur de SF y trouvera sans doute un peu de Damasio, notamment par la présence constante du vent, et la mention d’un “part-delà” évoquant forcément la “Zone du dehors” ou “L’extrême Amont”. Le fin lettré y verra  l’influence du classique de la littérature espagnole 100 ans de solitude, de Gabriel García Márquez. L'auteur dit s’être inspiré de cette pierre angulaire du “réalisme magique”.

Le rendement du lopin de terre de mamie a de quoi faire pleurer la FNSEA. Ici, on ne ramasse pas les radis à la remorque comme dans Stardew Valley, et la vieille cabane des chèvres restera décrépie jusqu’au bout. Il s’agit simplement de (sur) vivre, d’assurer aux chèvres leur dose vitale de foin. L’existence consiste à attendre l’avancée de l’histoire, coupé du monde, par les mots de nos proches. La ville, au loin, s’obscurcit peu à peu, dans un crépuscule qui coïncide avec celui de la vie de l’héroïne. The Stillness of the Wind est un concentré qui parvient à faire frissonner avec un environnement réduit et 10 pages de texte, sur des thématiques originales.


Drunk gameplay and thoughts on the game here:

So moderately put, this game is pretty... i can see that there is a lot of story to uncover still but right off the bat i noticed that there is no direction on what to do. I'm pretty sure that my goat milking bucket got glitched, either that or my goats nips were chaffed and wasn't having it anymore. It is also a very slow paced game so keep that in mind, this is a game for easy Sunday mornings when you have nothing to do, the main mechanic of the game is literally just farming. I actually found it quit pleasant but i could see other hardcore gamers wanting something more fast paced. All in all i give this a 6 out of 10 goat nip.

This game was gorgeous! 

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